The Beauty Product You Need Right Now...

Happy Friday everyone! This week has been a long one (sorry for the post-slacking...), but considering it's Friday (!) and I happen to be in a fantastic mood, I just had to share my favorite new beauty discovery.

For a while, I have been in search of an eye shadow primer-- putting on three coats of powder-based shadow just wasn't working for me. I finally schlepped into ULTA last weekend, ready to carry out a full-store sweep for the perfect product. I approached one of the sales girls, and she directed me to her "favorite" eye shadow primer, Benefit's Stay Don't Stray.

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Normally, I trust the judgement of these sales people (they are the experts after all, or at least they're supposed to be), so I bought it and tried it out the next day. And after using this primer/concealer combo every day for the past week, I can comfortably say that this is maybe one of the best beauty purchases I've ever made. Let me explain why:

1. My daily makeup routine is pretty minimal, but I normally throw on some eye shadow. This primer smooths out any veins or discolorations on your eyelid, and helps eye shadow stick around through the whole workday (as any good primer should).

2. This is the big one: this eye shadow primer is ALSO a concealer. It's a two-for-one steal! I guess part of my wonder at this product is that I hadn't really used concealer before-- I don't usually have problems with under-eye circles or anything like that, so I never gave it a second glance. But now... I have seen the light.

After using this product for a week, I feel like my eyes appear bigger, my skin clearer, and my eye makeup sticks around a lot longer. I have been applying the primer at the beginning of my makeup routine, and I feel like it really brightens up my whole face. I have yet to use this primer under any heavy night-out eye makeup, but I'm sure it will perform just as well, if not better.

I'm going to add Benefit's Stay Don't Stray primer to my must-have makeup routine (in addition to Benefits Bad Gal Last mascara... pretty soon I'll be a Benefit-only gal).

What are your favorite beauty products? Do you have a go-to eye shadow primer or concealer?

This is not a sponsored post. Opinions on my own.
